Cultuur Ondernemen

Cultuur-Ondernemen (Culture-Entrepreneurship) is thé knowledge centre in the Netherlands in the area of entrepreneurship and management in the cultural sector. Cultuur-Ondernemen is the central platform for cultural entrepreneurship and for building connections between the cultural sector and business.

Cultuur-Ondernemen offers services with respect to career development of artists and creative professionals, organisation development of cultural organisations, and market development for new alliances between the cultural sector and business and public organisations. Amongst which:

  • Training programmes on entrepreneurial skills, varying from short workshops to longer education. Target groups are VET (tertiary and secondary vocational training) and working artists.
  • Meetings for the artists, where they can share and exchange experiences, from basic courses on business skills to project management for the advanced.
  • Personal guidance and career development through advisory consultations and coaching.
  • Work experience projects that are connected with special needs organisation e.g. prisons, immigrants, disabled people, nursing homes, disadvantaged districts, but also with companies and business issues.
  • A loan system (micro and macro credit) for artists in co-operation with Triodosbank.
  • Projects to stimulate the request for artists inside and outside the art sector. We develop projects in which the artists can call forth all their knowledge and skills inside and outside the art.
  • Programs that match business managers to cultural organisations for coaching and advice, and also search & select business managers for non-executive boards of cultural organisations.
  • Scanning instruments to help cultural institutions improve operations and management.
  • Cultural Governance programme to promote good governance and to provide practical instruments to implement good governance within cultural institutions.
  • Cultural Maecenatism programme to stimulate cultural maecenatism in the Netherlands. The programme is aimed at creating a culture change within cultural institutions, intermediaries and governments. In addition, the programme focuses on tax opportunities created through gifts.

Cultuur-Ondernemen has a lot of knowledge and hands-on experience on the research, stimulation and promotion of cultural entrepreneurship.


Wednesday, 17 March, 2010 - 09:00