In order to “Kickstart the Crowdfunding Community for the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS)”, the Crowdfunding4Culture team formulated 28 recomendations for potential action at EU level. Based on stakeholders interviews and research, the recomendations were shared with the public via a crowdsourcing tool on 11 November 2016.
Creative professionals, cultural organisations and crowdfunding platforms were invited to vote, dismiss or amend statements in temrs of community needs and priorities.
The online discussion was closed on December 21st, with more than 617 votes and 126 comments. We would like to thank all the participants for their contributions.
What happens next?
The statements will be operationalized by an expert group in view of their integration into the upcoming Action Plan to be launched by the European Commission on CCS Crowdfunding. This Action Plan will aim at supporting the development of CCS Crowdfunding and the structuring of the CCS Crowdfuding Community.
Crowdfunding4Culture has the ambition to become a European wide information hub for anyone who wants to learn more about using crowdfunding in the cultural and creative sectors, the different models and platforms, lessons to learn from (un)successful projects and tips and tricks on crowdfunding campaigns.
Crowdfunding4Culture is part of a pilot project “Crowdfunding for the cultural and creative sectors: kick-starting the cultural economy”, commissioned by the European Commission to IDEA Consult and its consortium partners ECN and Ecorys. Follow us on Facebook & Tweeter for the latest updates or visit our website at www.crowdfunding4culture.eu