
Many individuals or organisations want to launch crowdfunding campaigns but do not know how to get started. For that reason, the crowdfunding4culture team has gathered and analysed 12 campaign launched by creatives and cultural organisations to act as examples for inspiring crowdfunders. 

Are you a creative or cultural organisation thinking of launching a crowdfunidng campaign or curious to know how others have made use of crowdfunding? Then these case studies are for you. 

CRUCIAL Crowdfunding is an ERASMUS+ supported project, designed to better inform all the different stakeholders who can potentially benefit from this innovative means of funding business ventures. The project will gather information on the current market conditions regarding the almost exponential growth of Crowdfunding.

The African crowdfunding market is estimated at $126.9 million in 2015. There were 57 active crowdfunding platforms headquartered and operating in Africa in 2015. South Africa leads the way in African online alternative finance, and has 21 operational crowdfunding portals. Nigeria comes second with 9 crowdfunding platforms. In 2015, the African crowdfunding market was composed of 21 donations based-platforms, 19 equity platforms, 13 rewards-based portals, 2 peer-to-peer lending platforms, and 2 hybrid platforms. Donations and equity platforms are the fastest growing crowdfunding models.

After a receiving 16 rejections from traditional publishers, and still very much believing in the story, novelist Johnny Ruin, decided to try crowdfunding. The book funded in just nine days and is scheduled for release in Spring 2018.

Now, the author shares his experience with crowdfunding and provides tips and tricks on running a successful campaign. 

In October 2014 we ran a crowdfunding campaign to fund the minimum amount of development time needed to deliver our new artistic app Karen.

Thanks to our incredible audiences, old and new, we successfully hit our target.

"We learnt a lot from this experience and wanted to try to squeeze it all into a guide that would help people who are about to embark on a similar endeavour."

Crowdfunding is still underused possibility for people with great ideas. Nonprofits, companies and individuals can use crowdfunding to innovate and create new projects that will make the world a better place. That is the reason why social impact agency BRODOTO and Green Energy Cooperative started Crowdfunding Academy in Croatia. This educational program serves everyone who has a great idea, but lacks knowledge how to use crowdfunding to make it a reality.

Webinar #9 – Building a successful campaign: How to create compelling incentives

Join our webinar on April 18th 2017 at 13:00 CET.

How to create compelling incentives for your investors/backers? What drive them to invest/back your project? How can you leverage their motivations to propose appealing incentives?

Cine-Regio is a network of regional film funds in Europe. The network is continuously expanding and today this network embraces 43 regional film funds from 12 EU Member States, in addition to Norway and Switzerland.

The network's members display a series of support schemes and services to the film sector with the aim to support film culture, encourage social cohesion and build regional infrastructure. 

Vele Kleintjes is an online toolkit for crowdfunding in the cultural sector. For those who consider going into crowdfunding, this guide can help them fund projects in a quick and easy manner. 

This handbook is based on practical experiences from the Flemish Heritage Library with its own platform; Boekensteun. Project holders gained some knowledge about what works and what doesn't in crowdfunding; and Vele Kleintjes is responsible for spreading those insights to the broad cultural sector. 


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