Aster, KICK-ER Service Manager. Cultural and Creative Industries Staff and Crowdfunding Expert
Graduated with honors in Cultural Management, after the project managing experience at the Metropolitan Strategic Plan of Bologna, Martina started her job in ASTER within “Manufacturing Renaissance” staff and within the managing and coordination team for Mak-ER, the digital manufacturing network of Emilia-Romagna (www.mak-er.it). She co-founded in 2012 GINGER (www.ideaginger.it – local crowdfunding platform for Emilia-Romagna Region) and since late 2015 she’s the responsible of KICK-ER, a guidance and support service for crowdfunding campaigns. As a member of the Cultural and Creative Industries area, she’s working for the development of Fashion Valley Project promoted by Emilia-Romagna Regional Government and she deals also with projects which foster the interaction between the chain of creativity and traditional industries